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Elm Park Survey contributions

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6 months ago


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following new features or upgrades would improve this location? (1 Strongly disagree - 5 Strongly agree)

Seating and tables
More trees and planting
Cycle parking
Play features
Improved lighting
Improved footpath surfacing
Space for community events and activities
Electric Vehicle infrastructure (e.g. charging points)
Car club parking (e.g. Zipcar, Hiyacar)
Dockless cycle / e-scooter hire (e.g. Lime, Human Forest)

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The kerbside – most easily recognised today as the space where cars park – is one of the largest public assets we have control over. If we reallocated kerbside space in this area, what would you like to see?

I would like to see more nature, plants, and greenery - we need to bring the environment to our local communities. Can we create more wildflower areas and bee/bug friendly spaces.

Are there any other changes that you think would improve this space?

I think it should extend up Ostade Road, there is a really unsightly eyesore area further up the road past the tavern, full of rubbish and weeds etc, the area could extend up to there and that would be the perfect place to have some play things for children, seating or more plants etc!

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over 1 year ago


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following new features or upgrades would improve this location? (1 Strongly disagree - 5 Strongly agree)

Seating and tables
More trees and planting
Cycle parking
Play features
Improved lighting
Improved footpath surfacing
Space for community events and activities
Electric Vehicle infrastructure (e.g. charging points)
Car club parking (e.g. Zipcar, Hiyacar)
Dockless cycle / e-scooter hire (e.g. Lime, Human Forest)

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The kerbside – most easily recognised today as the space where cars park – is one of the largest public assets we have control over. If we reallocated kerbside space in this area, what would you like to see?

Scrap the LTN. Open the roads.

Are there any other changes that you think would improve this space?

Scrap the LTN. Open the roads.

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over 1 year ago


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following new features or upgrades would improve this location? (1 Strongly disagree - 5 Strongly agree)

Seating and tables
More trees and planting
Cycle parking
Play features
Improved lighting
Improved footpath surfacing
Space for community events and activities
Electric Vehicle infrastructure (e.g. charging points)
Car club parking (e.g. Zipcar, Hiyacar)
Dockless cycle / e-scooter hire (e.g. Lime, Human Forest)

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The kerbside – most easily recognised today as the space where cars park – is one of the largest public assets we have control over. If we reallocated kerbside space in this area, what would you like to see?

The kerbside space should be left as it is; people live in this stretch of road and need road access for: their vehicles, visitors, deliveries, emergencies services, maintenance etc. A short walk away from here is one of the best parks in London, none of the suggested new features are needed. The new planters installed at the Elm Park road block have not been maintained and are an eyesore as well as an inconvenience to residents and the nearby school. I have no confidence that any new features would fair any better.

Are there any other changes that you think would improve this space?


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over 1 year ago


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following new features or upgrades would improve this location? (1 Strongly disagree - 5 Strongly agree)

Seating and tables
More trees and planting
Cycle parking
Play features
Improved lighting
Improved footpath surfacing
Space for community events and activities
Electric Vehicle infrastructure (e.g. charging points)
Car club parking (e.g. Zipcar, Hiyacar)
Dockless cycle / e-scooter hire (e.g. Lime, Human Forest)

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The kerbside – most easily recognised today as the space where cars park – is one of the largest public assets we have control over. If we reallocated kerbside space in this area, what would you like to see?

I would like to see more secure bicycle storage (like the green covered ones) and trees/plants

Are there any other changes that you think would improve this space?

Dog poo bins. There is so much dog poo on this street all the time

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over 1 year ago


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following new features or upgrades would improve this location? (1 Strongly disagree - 5 Strongly agree)

Seating and tables
More trees and planting
Cycle parking
Play features
Improved lighting
Improved footpath surfacing
Space for community events and activities
Electric Vehicle infrastructure (e.g. charging points)
Car club parking (e.g. Zipcar, Hiyacar)
Dockless cycle / e-scooter hire (e.g. Lime, Human Forest)

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The kerbside – most easily recognised today as the space where cars park – is one of the largest public assets we have control over. If we reallocated kerbside space in this area, what would you like to see?

I've seen the kerbside crap in Elm Park, thought it was fly tipping only for the expensive locked comments box. What a total waste of public money. Lambeth you're a joke. I've lived in Lambeth for nearly 40 years and this next level madness, even for Lambeth and their corruption over the years. Stop telling people how to live, stop telling them lies about the environment, you're systematically dividing communities between the haves and the have nots. How dare you tell people not to drive! Look at the empty cycle lanes? Look at the congestion LTNs have caused. What about the schools and housing suffering more with more congestion while privileged homeowners have empty streets, who all appear to own a car by the way as every house has a car parked outside!! This whole system stinks and Lambeth council leaders are like a warped dictatorship, constantly lying about data and consultations. You must think we're brainless. I live in a small block with a communal area falling to wrack and ruin, spend my hard earned wages that I pay on council tax on upgrading that instead of banging on about shabby piles of rubbish on the pavements which are so called 'resting areas' those people who live on those streets have gardens for crying out loud!!

Are there any other changes that you think would improve this space?

Improve pavement surfaces, clean up the fly tipping and open up the roads so they're not ghost streets people are afraid to walk down in the dark.

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