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Big Shift: Parklets Deadline 28th May

The deadline for applications to the Community Fund Parklets is almost here. If you would like us to consider your application for the first phase of the project, please submit your application here by the 28th of May 2023.

If you are unable to complete your application before the deadline you can still apply. Submit your application as normal and we will add it to the waitlist.

A parklet is an old, transformed parking space created for community use. Parklets create spaces along the kerbside for communities to rest, play and garden. This is in line with Lambeth’s Kerbside Strategy and Climate Action Plan. Parklets are usually installed on residential streets. We will still consider applications for locations on high streets so long as they are not for a business.

Lambeth’s Big Shift Community Fund will fund 25 parklets, one in each borough ward. Residents will create and maintain the parklets in partnership with the Council.

This first phase of the programme will deliver 12 parklets.

Find out more and apply here.

Posted on 24th May 2023

by PK