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Low Traffic Neighbourhood Newsletter 08.06.21

This is an update from the Low Traffic Neighbourhood Team at Lambeth Council.

Q&A Sessions:

The last Tulse Hill LTN Q&A session was held Wednesday 26th May 18.00- 19.00

The recordings from previous Q&A sessions are available to view on the Commonplace-

Community Meetings Page


The next Tulse Hill LTN Q&A session will be held on Thursday 24th June 2021, 18:00- 19:00 , using Microsoft Teams.

If you would like to register for this event, please send your name and address

to: using ‘Tulse Hill Q and A’ in the subject line.

Other upcoming LTN Q&As:

Streatham - Thursday 17 June, 6pm. Click here to find out how to register .

Oval to Stockwell Triangle - Monday 21 June, 6pm. Click here to find out how to register .

Ferndale - Tuesday 22nd June, 6pm. Click here to find out how to register .

Railton - Wednesday 23rd June, 6pm. Click here to find out how to register .

The sessions will be recorded and made available online following the event using the same session link provided. Screen names will be publicly visible in the recordings, but there is a facility to post as anonymous in Microsoft Teams if you wish to do so.

A public consultation will follow later this year during which we will proactively gather views on the changes, to be considered alongside objective data collected before a decision is taken on the future of the scheme.

Update on Streatham Hill LTN:

Two new modal filters in the southern part of the LTN were installed over the weekend. The signs have been unbagged and the amendments to the LTN are now LIVE. To find out more about the changes visit: Streatham Hill Commonplace


A small minority of people have taken to criminal damage by removing traffic signs in Ferndale LTN.

The removal of signs is not an acceptable form of protest. It is a criminal offence and puts local people, including children, at risk. Lambeth Council takes this very seriously and all vandalism is reported to the police for further investigation. Threats to residents and staff are also not acceptable and will be reported to the police for further investigation. We encourage anybody who feels unsafe to speak to the police.

Posted on 8th June 2021

by JM