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Overview: Tulse Hill LTN


Overview: Tulse Hill LTN


The Tulse Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) was introduced to reduce traffic volumes. By reducing traffic in the area, it is hoped we can meet objectives set out in our Transport Strategy, including: 

  • Reduce road danger for all users 

  • Encourage travel in healthier, more active ways 

  • Support the local economy and placemaking 

  • Improve air quality 

We all need to take bold action to reduce car journeys where possible, to improve the borough’s air quality and tackle the climate emergency. The main objectives of the LTN programme are to achieve: 

  • A reduction in through motor traffic within LTN areas; and 

  • An overall reduction of motor traffic across the area, when considering boundary roads and the inner area together. 


Map of Tulse Hill LTN 

What has happened so far? 

The LTN was introduced as an emergency measure during the pandemic in August 2020. Planters, signs and enforcement cameras were used to create a series of five ‘filters’ across the area in August 2020. 

‘Filters’ stop motor vehicles cutting through a defined point, however, people walking, cycling and wheeling can still pass through, as can the emergency services and refuse vehicles. All destinations within an LTN remain accessible by motor vehicle, however, the route to each destination may change. 

Tulse Hill LTN Permanent Traffic Order: 

Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan shows that we need to reduce traffic in Lambeth by 27% by 2030 to help avoid the worst impacts of climate change. LTNs are a key part of our strategy to reduce traffic across the borough.   

Independent monitoring shows that the LTN has helped to reduce traffic overall by around 2,000 vehicles a day, meaning there is now more safe space for walking and cycling, to make the area greener and more climate resilient and to build spaces to meet and rest. The level of cycling in the LTN has more than doubled, with big increases on boundary roads as well.  

In June 2022, the Council made the decision that the Tulse Hill LTN should be implemented under a permanent traffic order. Click here to read the Tulse Hill LTN Decision Report 

LTN Traffic Filter Exemptions: 

We have carefully considered the needs of all road users and are proposing exemptions for people and services with specific requirements. Our Exemptions Policy balances the needs of specific users who may need to drive through a filter, whilst still ensuring the scheme remains effective in creating safe space for walking and cycling. These are: 

  • Blue Badge holders including SEND transport (you can apply here for an exemption) 

  • Rapid response healthcare providers 

  • Category 1 Responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 

  • Taxis and fully accessible private hire vehicles 

  • Refuse collection vehicles 

These exemptions will be put in place for a permanent scheme. 

Next steps: 

During 2023, we are developing permanent designs for the Tulse Hill LTN. This includes permanent traffic filters to replace the current planters, as well as a range of public realm improvements across the LTN. For the latest updates, see “What’s Happening Now?”  

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