This phase of engagement has ended.


Decision Report and Wider Improvements Engagement



After carefully considering all the data we have collected and feedback we have received during the trial scheme in Tulse Hill, we are now recommending that the LTN is made permanent.


Tulse Hill LTN Decision Report

Independent monitoring shows that the LTN has helped to reduce traffic overall by around 2,000 vehicles a day, meaning there is now more safe space for walking and cycling, to make the area greener and more climate resilient and to build spaces to meet and rest. The level of cycling in the LTN has more than doubled, with big increases on boundary roads as well. 

Lambeth’s recently agreed Climate Action Plan shows that we will need to reduce traffic in Lambeth by 27% by 2030 to play our part to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. LTNs are a key part of our strategy to reduce traffic across the borough and the evidence we have collected show that they are effective in achieving this.

The planters and signage will now be upgraded with a series of different permanent features such as pavement buildouts, planting, seating, and cycle parking.  We will need your help to decide what the new features should be and will begin engaging on designs over the summer.

January 2023

We are beginning a new round of engagement on January 16, which will run until February 28. Throughout this period, we'll be hosting and attending a range of events, all of which will be publicised here.

The purpose is to consult the community on potential designs for two specific sites within the LTN, Elm Park shopping parade, and the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road.

We've created a survey for you to provide feedback on potential upgrades, and will be out and about in the coming weeks to speak to the community too.

This engagement phase has finished

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