This phase of engagement has ended.


What's Happening Now?


What's Happening Now?

Developing permanent designs: 

Lambeth Council are currently developing permanent designs for the Tulse Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood. 

During January and February 2023, we carried out public engagement to consult the community on potential designs for two specific sites within the LTN, Elm Park shopping parade, and the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road.


Image of street with the Tulse Hill LTN promotional board  

You can see the results of this engagement by downloading the pdfs below.  We have included both a summary report and a more detailed report. The results include:  

  • An overview of the activities we carried out during the permanent design engagement. 
  • Who responded and how. 
  • Key priorities and comments from people we spoke to locally and those who responded to the online survey.  

Through this engagement, we developed bespoke designs for the Elm Park shopping parade and the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road reflecting the feedback from the community.

Wider improvements: 

We are designing permanent traffic filters to replace the current planters, as well as a range of street improvements across the LTN. This includes:  

  • Major street improvements to Elm Park shopping parade and the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road 
  • Accessibility improvements such as dropped kerbs and tactile paving 
  • More trees and planting  
  • Seating and play features


What's Happening Next?

Update: 17 January 2024

Since our public engagement in January and February 2023, we have been working behind the scenes to design schemes that work best for the local area.  

We are at a place now where we are really excited to be able to move forward with the Elm Park shopping parade scheme.  In order to work within our constraints, the Elm Park shopping parade design was developed through careful consideration of the engagement feedback, local traffic counts data and local parking assessment.  We are reaching out to the residents and businesses, in advance of the Statutory Consultation, to ensure they are aware of the changes planned for the neighbourhood.  This project is now set for implementation in the Spring 2024.

Find out more here: Elm Park Shopping Parade

The design for the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road is in progress and we will have more information regarding it in the coming months.

Previous updates

A more detailed report on the permanent design engagement will be published towards the end of May. This will include concept designs for Elm Park shopping parade and the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road as part of the permanent LTN. 

Designs are being developed during 2023, with construction expected to being during the winter of 2023/24. Elements of the permanent designs for Elm Park shopping parade and the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road will be tested during the summer of 2023.   Please note this is subject to external factors and therefore may be subject to some change. 


Check out the summary report for the engagement we did on Elm Park shopping parade and the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road:


Extended summary report for the engagement we did on Elm Park shopping parade and the junctions of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road

AA _Lambeth_Tulse Hill_LTN Engagement Report_V6_AD.pdf
AA _Lambeth_Tulse Hill_LTN Engagement Report_V6_AD.pdf

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
