This phase of engagement has ended.


Wider street improvements


Wider street improvements

Although traffic across the area has reduced overall, there has been a small increase in traffic on some boundary roads. 

To tackle any remaining issues, we are committed to introducing further changes to support public transport use and to encourage walking and cycling:

  • Changes to traffic signal phasing at the Brixton Water Lane / Tulse Hill junction
  • Introduction of a ‘yellow box’ junction marking at Josephine Avenue / Brixton Water Lane
  • Small scale accessibility improvements across the area based on street audits and with input from Transport for All
  • Improvements to walking routes, such as improving the east-west route from Brixton Hill to Brockwell Park connecting to the Tulse Hill Estate, including a new safe crossing for Tulse Hill near Cressingham Gardens
  • Developing proposals for Tulse Hill under the borough’s Bus Corridors Review programme to bring about bus user improvements as well as additional healthy street improvements such as separated cycle provision and seating for pedestrians  
  • Deliver the Peckham to Streatham Healthy Route in full which will run along Upper Tulse Hill and High Trees 
  • Increase provision of secure cycle parking in the area
  • Launch a community E-cargo bike share scheme to help make the switch to more sustainable forms of transport 
  • Targeted provision of free cycle training for children and adults and initiatives to promote walking
  • Work with local businesses to incentivise delivery and servicing via sustainable modes e.g., using cargo bikes, and consult on improvements to the shopping parades on Elm Park and Upper Tulse Hill such as new seating and tree planting
  • Review of lighting and other measures to improve feelings of safety at night-time
  • Working with the police to address speeding vehicles and those who cover/use fake number plates to avoid penalties and put other users in danger
  • Additional air quality monitoring on the A205 South Circular
  • Provision of ‘green screens’ at sensitive locations


We have carefully considered the needs of all road users and are proposing exemptions for people and services with specific requirements. Our Exemptions Policy balances the needs of specific users who may need to drive through a filter, whilst still ensuring the scheme remains effective in creating safe space for walking and cycling. These are: 

  • Blue Badge holders including SEND transport (you will be able to apply here when the scheme is made permanent) 
  • Rapid response healthcare providers 
  • Category 1 Responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 
  • Taxis and fully accessible private hire vehicles 
  • Refuse collection vehicles 

These exemptions will be put in place for a permanent scheme

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
